
The blog provides an opportunity to follow our volunteers throughout their field missions! You can do so by obtaining a unique perspective on their day-to-day activities and on the issues they face, with regard to development as well as access to justice. Travel with our volunteers through their blog posts!

La normalisation des violences contre les personnes LGBTI

Categories: LGBTQI+, Colombia, 2019

Christian Filip est coopérant volontaire en gestion de projet, en Colombie, au sein du projet « Protection des enfants, des femmes et d’autres collectivités vulnérables » (PRODEF). Ce projet est réalisé avec le soutien financier du Gouvernement du Canada. Une partie de mon travail en tant que coopérant volontaire vise à renforcer l’intégration d’une perspective LGBTI[1] dans les interventions de l’équipe d’ASFC en Colombie. Le 26 août 2019, j’ai assisté à l’audience du cas « Azul Rojas Marín et autre vs Pérou »[...]

Blog post: My voluntary cooperation in Costa Rica to facilitate dialogue, learning and participation

Categories: Groups in situations of vulnerability, Voluntary cooperation, Children’s rights, Costa Rica, 2019

Henry Bautista is currently deployed in Morocco as a volunteer communications advisor and has also undertaken a similar mission in Costa Rica as part of the "Protection of children, women and other vulnerable communities (PRODEF)" project, implemented by the International Bureau for Children's Rights and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC), with the financial support of the Government of Canada through World Affairs Canada. This one-year term in Costa Rica took place from May 2018 to May 2019, with the Paniamor Foundation. During the first m[...]

Una mirada regenerada del conflicto armado interno en el Perú

Categories: Inter-American human rights system, International law, Training, Peru, 2019


Je m'appelle maintenant BAH Willy

Categories: Voluntary cooperation, Ivory Coast, 2019

William Fortin est conseiller juridique volontaire en Côte d'Ivoire au sein du projet Protection des droits des enfants, des femmes et autres collectivités vulnérables (PRODEF), mis en oeuvre par ASFC en consortium avec le Bureau international des droits des enfants (IBCR), avec le soutien financier d'Affaires mondiales Canada. Le grondement du moteur et les turbulences qui secouent l’autocar me gardent éveillé. À l’extérieur, les troncs élancés des fromagers défilent, donnant l’impression qu’une main invisible a marqué fré[...]

Being a social leader isn’t a crime: The case of Julian Gil

Categories: Arbitrary detention, Trial observation, , 2019

Ivan Skafar is a volunteer legal advisor with the “Protection of Children, Women and Other Vulnerable Groups” project implemented by Lawyers without Borders Canada (LWBC) and the International Bureau for Children’s Rights as part of the volunteer cooperation program funded by Global Affairs Canada. The project focuses on improving the protection of the rights of children, women, and marginalized communities as well as on strengthening democracy and the rule of law through access to justice. On September 5, 2019, a preliminary hearing was[...]

Le système de justice péruvien : des lacunes sur lesquelles construire pour mieux répondre aux spécificités des mineur.e.s

Categories: Children’s rights, Groups in situations of vulnerability, Peru, 2019

Virginie Beaubien est conseillère juridique volontaire déployée au Pérou auprès de l’organisme IPRODES depuis avril 2019 dans le cadre du projet « Protection des enfants, femmes et autres collectivités vulnérables » mis en œuvre par Avocats sans frontières Canada (ASFC) et le Bureau international des droits des enfants (IBCR) grâce à l'appui financier du gouvernement du Canada accordé par l'entremise d'Affaires mondiales Canada. Instituto Promoviendo Desarrollo Social – IPRODES travaille actuellement à l’élaboration d’u[...]

Des ateliers de formation pour encourager l’utilisation des mécanismes internationaux des droits de la personne au Pérou

Categories: Groups in situations of vulnerability, Inter-American human rights system, Training, Peru, 2019

Virginie Beaubien est conseillère juridique volontaire déployée au Pérou auprès de l’organisme IPRODES depuis avril 2019 dans le cadre du projet « Protection des enfants, femmes et autres collectivités vulnérables » mis en œuvre par Avocats sans frontières Canada (ASFC) et le Bureau international des droits des enfants (IBCR) grâce à l'appui financier du gouvernement du Canada accordé par l'entremise d'Affaires mondiales Canada. Instituto Promoviendo Desarrollo Social – IPRODES travaille activement à la protection des enfant[...]

A mandate in Iquitos, a city inaccessible by land

Categories: Voluntary cooperation, Children’s rights, Peru, 2019

The author, Christine Richard, is currently deployed in Peru as a volunteer social work adviser in the project “Protection of Children, Women and Other Vulnerable Communities (PRODEF)”, implemented by the International Bureau for Children’s Rights and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC), with the financial support of the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada. Just under a month ago, I began my mandate as a social work counsellor in Peru with the organisation Capital Social Humano Alternativo (CHS-Alternativo). This organisa[...]

The end of my Ivorian adventure

Categories: Voluntary cooperation, Ivory Coast, 2019

Karina Fauteux is a voluntary legal adviser deployed in Côte d’Ivoire as part of the project “Protection of children, women and other communities in vulnerable situations” (PRODEF). This project is being implemented by the International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR) and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (ASFC), with financial support from World Affairs Canada. Karina joined the San Pedro Legal Clinic in 2017, where she served 2 terms of 8 months each. Today, I packed my bags. Not my usual suitcases for a weekend vacation out of town[...]

And the winner is…: This year’s Interuniversity Competition in International Criminal Law comes to an end

Categories: International criminal law, Training, Colombia, 2019

Ivan Skafar is a volunteer legal advisor with the “Protection of Children, Women and Other Vulnerable Communities” project implemented by Lawyers Without Borders Canada and the International Bureau for Children’s Rights as part of the volunteer cooperation program funded by Global Affairs Canada. The project focuses on improving the protection of the rights of children, women, and marginalized communities as well as on strengthening democracy and the rule of law through access to justice. The third Interuniversity Competition in Internat[...]